Friday, July 4

Winter Meets Spring

March 20, 2008

Today was the last day of Winter. Winter didn't like that much and made sure we all knew about it. It was I-can't-believe-how-windy-it-is and OMG-it's-like-frigging-cold outside today. Right now, the temperature sits at -10 degrees C (-19 with the wind chill). Ok, it's not that bad - but it feels bad considering it was 0 degrees C the day before.

March and April are the months that Winter and Spring have negotiations. Or is it scheming?

Winter: Ok. You come in tomorrow and shine that warm sun. Make sure there's only a slight breeze and that it's warm. We'll let the temperature rise just enough that those silly humans think that they can go out with light jackets. Then, the next day, I'll come in and blast them with cold winds and blowing snow.

Spring: Hehehehehehe. I love it! Tell ya what? I'll melt enough snow tomorrow to make huge puddles and then you can freeze it overnight. It'll be a blast to watch them slip and fall on their behinds!

Winter: Deal!

Now, tomorrow is the the Vernal Equinox - or Spring as we mere mortals like to call it. However, the forecast calls for a low of -19 and a high of -6 (that's in Celsius). Fun eh?



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