Friday, July 4

Sunday :)

June 15, 2008

Yesterday was a very productive day for me. I cleaned the entire house and did most of the laundry. I like cleaning when I enter this "cleaning mode" where I seem to glide through the chores and my mind clears. I don't think about what needs to be done or what I haven't been able to get to yet. It's like I'm "in the moment". Next thing you know, the house is clean and I have answers to questions that have been bothering me.

That's what happened yesterday. Things have been playing in my mind for awhile now and I was struggling to find the answers. When I was cleaning and my mind cleared, the answers just came. Now I feel much calmer and more relaxed about a few things. Excellent stuff!

Today looks to be another beautiful day. Since the kids vetoed an outdoor breakfast so they could watch their shows, we'll be going out afterwards. There's yardwork to do that I'm looking forward to doing. As well as hanging laundry on the line.

The upcoming week is going to be a busy one. A lot of phone calls and preparations to make. On Monday, I'm leaving early for work because I need to get to the Day Camp people. They require payments two weeks in advance. So I'll be going there in the morning before work. I'm so excited about the kids going to day camp for the summer. It's going to be an awesome adventure for them. On Wednesday, Aaron's graduating. It's going to be a great week!

Have a great Sunday all ... and Happy Birthday, Dennis! :)



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