Saturday, November 28


It's after 9pm, the kids are finally asleep and I am having a hot (yes HOT) cup of coffee for the first time today. Oh I'd had coffee today - just not HOT coffee. You learn to appreciate such things.
We had been gluten free/casein free for about a month now when I made a grave and horrible mistake. I allowed the boys to get hotdogs at school. That's right, I paid money so my boys could put processed crap wrapped in a gluten filled bun into their bodies. What the hell was I thinking?
Well, I was thinking that it wasn't really fair to them that their classmates could get hotdogs and they couldn't. And really what harm could it do?
WELL! Apparently, it does a lot of harm!
My five year old (we'll refer to him as busybee), who was calming down somewhat and was able to do some work at school could no longer focus long enough to listen to a sentence. He would burst out of class and run in the halls. He stopped hearing people. He stopped focussing. And he became highly emotional, bursting into tears at home. Temper tantrums left, right and center.
My seven year old (referred to as bookworm), started screaming when it was time to do anything he didn't want to do, stimming increased, defiant behaviour, stomping.
Busybee wouldn't leave Bookworm alone and Bookworm wanted to be alone.
Everyday it was something new. It was a struggle to get them to follow routines at home. And getting them to bed was hell.
Did I learn my lesson? Heck yeah! No more processed crap. And we're so back on the gf/cf diet.

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