Thursday, November 27


There be blockage in my writing

I cannot write. Well I can write really but I just don't know WHAT to write about. My head is filled with all these thoughts and emotions that keep swirling and churning. I've sat down with the intention of blogging something - anything! But nothing comes. I sit here for awhile, trying to write. Then I delete it all and turn to more mindless matters like watching TV and going "duh".

So I was in a bit of a block. Then it happened. One of my children came to me and said something completely wonderful. This is kind of how that conversation went. I was changing and ...

Aaron: Mom
Me: That's me
Aaron: I used to drink milk from there (pointing to my breasts)
Me: That's right you did
Aaron: I don't anymore
Me: Well that's because you're a big boy now
Aaron: Big boys drink milk from the fridge now
Me: Uh huh
Aaron: Too bad
Me: Why too bad?
Aaron: It just is ... can I have french toast for breakfast?

So, ladies and gentlemen, my blog post ...

To make the perfect french toast (according to Aaron and Adam) you need the following:

Brown Sugar
Icing sugar

You take three eggs and let your children crack them into a bowl. After you take out the pieces of egg shells, you add a bit of milk. You don't measure - you just pour. Then you throw in some brown sugar. Then you pretend not to see your children putting more brown sugar in. Just a dash of cinnamon. Then you wisk it all together until it's an even mess of brown.

You place a skillet on the stove and melt some butter in it over medium heat.

Take a slice of bread and stick that sucker right into the bowl of brown mess making sure that both sides are covered completely.

At this point, you'll have to tell the children to step away from the stove because it's hot.

Take the soaked bread slice and place it in the skillet. Brown one side and then the other.

Repeat until you have enough to feed the children.

Here's the important part:
Sprinkle just a little bit of icing sugar on the french toast. Then you cut the toast into fingers (six pieces). Put syrup into a small dipping bowl and put in the middle of a plate. Arrange the fingers of toast around the syrup so it looks like a sun.


Don't forget to put wipes at the table for the inevitable sticky fingers (the real ones ... not the toast)

Monday, November 24

Text messaging

If you've sent me a text since Friday evening, I haven't gotten it. This would be because there was this nationwide outage thingy over the weekend. At least that's what the nice person in tech support said. It's cleared now, and yet my messaging is still not working. When I called into support, I had to use the blasted cell phone so there was only so much they could do at their end (no other phone around). But I've done a hard reset and powercycled. I've danced naked around it chanting. I've sacrificed a stuffed toy to the cell phones gods. Still no text messaging. I'm going to call back to support tonight because I'll be able to use the husband's phone.

Does anyone out there have any other ideas on what I can do on this end to get this messaging working again? I have a Samsung U410. If the text messaging is not working again by tonight, I'm canceling it. I'm not paying for something that doesn't work.

Friday, November 21

Song of the day

This was playing on the radio this morning and it's been stuck in my head all day


Have a great day all!!

Wednesday, November 19

Five things

Five things I learned from Aaron this week:

1) Juice tastes better than water because juice has flavour

2) He's happy with the name I gave him when he was born but the next time he's born he wants to be "Ash"

3) Having a fever means you get to lie down on the sofa

4) It's better to use nice words because bad words make you sound silly

5) Hugs are better than no hugs

Five things I learned from Adam this week:

1) Snow is cool

2) He's not a baby but he still wants hugs and kisses

3) Time outs are no fun so it's better to follow the rules and have fun

4) Cookies are yummy but too many hurt the belly

5) Running is fast but sometimes you hit the wall

Enjoy the flavour of the juice, use nice words so you don't sound silly, follow the rules so you don't get a timeout, savour the cookies but don't overdo it, walk so you don't hit those walls and hug, hug, hug.


Monday, November 17


I few years ago, I came across this website: Flylady. It took all of two minutes to fall in love.

For those of you that haven't clicked yet, it's a site dedicated to helping you clear out the clutter in your house and get it organized. The wonderful people do it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you or expect people to clean all day long.

But the one thing that hooked me more than anything was their control journal. Now I had already been using a binder where I keep lists, addresses, phone number, appointments, birthdays, etc. But theirs was laid out so well!

When I went back to work, my routine at home went bye bye. I found that I was always cleaning or moving stuff around. My bedroom became the dumping ground for clothes, toys or whatever I couldn't find a place for. It was quite embarassing!

Now, after a couple of weeks of being at home, my house is getting in order. Things are finding a home. My mind is clearer. Everything has a place. My fridge door is organized properly. Ok, yes my mild OCD is showing its face. :)

Anyway, check out the site. Well, if you want to that is :)


Thursday, November 13

Muwhahahahahahahaha LMAO

Wednesday, November 12

Morning Prayer

I call upon the strengths and wisdom which lies within, gifts of the Mother to her daughter, to lead me toward a greater understanding.

I know these powers to be existent, waiting patiently for my acceptance, for my readiness to free them from their stale social prisons.

I seek to see the beauty of the moment and to appreciate and accept myself as I was meant to be.

Guide my decisions to reflect the right action required for growth and learning. Give me patience to know when to be still and wait for the answers and where to look for them.

Help me not to forget how to play, to always return the gift of laughter, especially at myself and may my sense of humour always be greater than my sense of sorrow.

Keep within me a joy for nature as I strive not to harm the Earth and all her children. Open my mind to not judge or condemn and open my heart to change myself if needed.

May the things I learn today lead me forward in my quest for knowledge and understanding as well as peace within tomorrow.

Monday, November 10

I came, I saw, I sewed

Yeah! Take THAT you inanimate object! Showed you, eh?

Thursday, November 6

To Sew or Not To Sew

(not me nor my sewing machine)

Awhile ago, I got a sewing machine as a gift. It was a gift I had asked for, albeit a year ago. I love it. It looks very pretty in that special spot I picked out for it. Every day for the last two weeks, I've looked at that sewing machine. I've touched it and dusted it. I've read the instructions and looked at all the doodads and whatsits. I've yet to actually SEW with it though.

See, here's the dilemma: I've not used a sewing machine since I was a child. So this sewing machine looks VERY intimidating. It KNOWS that I am a novice. It taunts me. It laughs at me. It must be either destroyed or conquered.

I could (I guess) ask my mum to come over and show me how to use it. But that's a bit embarassing. I mean, really, it's just a sewing machine. Surely I can teach myself how to use it - right?


I really should be doing something

On another note, people who say one thing and do another are really starting to piss me off. So there! Whatcha gonna do 'bout it! Huh? HUH!

Wednesday, November 5

No - it's not about politics ...

... it's just me rambling :)

For years now I've used an "illusion of clean" technique. You know what I mean - you hide your ever piled high laundry in a huge basket, you tuck away toys here and there, etc. As long as the floors are swept, the dishes cleaned and the dusting done once in awhile, it "looks" clean. But for heaven's sake, don't look in that cupboard there. :)

Ever since I've stopped working, I've been able to tackle the fridge, behind the stove, cupbaords etc. The house is no longer under the "illusion of clean", it's ACTUALLY clean.

It's so weird. I know where stuff is. No, I don't mean that I know the general area where stuff is - I know exactly where it is. And my obsessive side is peeking back out. I've arranged books in order of size. Today I arranged all the DVDs in alphabetically order.

I've also had the opportunity to spend time with ME, which is not something I'm used to. How strange to just now get to know someone you've 'lived' with all your life. Strange but wonderful.

I've noticed that the boys are calmer now. We've got a good routine down now and they're loving it. There's time to play before school and time to unwind before bed.

I give huge kudos for those that can juggle working and being a parent. It's not easy. You sacrifice a lot in order to make sure that there's a roof over your heads and food on the table. I know that I can't do it. I tried. I didn't like who I became. I was this stressed out, paranoid, worried, manic person who lived on coffee and cigarettes. And that affected my children. They were tired, drained and anxious.

Every night when I tuck them into bed, I know I've made the right decision. And I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to do this.

Saturday, November 1

Silly Quiz of the Week

What's Your Inner Power Animal?

My Results:

Your inner animal spirit is a Snake

You're mysterious, and a bit secretive. You have a quick wit, and keen literate skills. Your unusual approach to life often makes you feel like you're on the outside looking in.

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