Thursday, April 29

Yeah and...

So I haven't blogged in awhile. Why, you ask? Well, it's because I haven't that's why. Stop being nosy (hehe)

Anyhoo, I went to my very first Autism Support Group meeting. In all honesty, it was my very first support of any kind meeting. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised.

Those that know me know that I'm not a 'group person'. I always worry that I'll say the wrong thing, talk too much, talk too little. Then I worry that I won't 'mesh' with anyone there. I also worry that there won't be enough coffee, that I'll pass gas, that I'll be asked something too personal, that I'll spill something. Hmmm, I worry alot.

BUT it was great (the meeting not the worrying). I met some really nice people and we talked about anything and everything. I will go again.

Now I will share with you my favourite giggle of the day:

Now I will go to sleep. It's WAY past my bedtime. Well, maybe I'll have some ice cream first.

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