Friday, December 19

My new toy

I got an early Christmas present. A steam cleaner! :)

It took all of two seconds to fall in love with it. You should see it clean! I despise cleaners. They are harsh, abrasive, smelly things and I'm wary of the affects it has on the children and pets. Well! With the steam cleaner, there's no need for cleaners at all.

And the dirt it removes - wow!

So far, I've used it on the counters, cupboard doors, kitchen walls, corners, bathroom stall and the floors. :) I'm itching to try it out on the windows, but now that we're in severe winter mode (like -32), I have to wait. The windows would crack if I used it now.

Here's a picture of what it looks like:

*so pleased*

Wednesday, December 17


No title

Sunday, December 14

Oh Look!! It's Bob!

My friend Bob, who's an awesome model, is in a magazine!!! How freaking cool is that?!?

Here's the magazine

Sunday, December 7

I'm A Proud Mother Bear

They are two reasons why I smile everyday!

Oh the song is Money Honey by State of Shock. Aaron heard the song on the radio and has loved it since. He's a rocker :)

Thursday, November 27


There be blockage in my writing

I cannot write. Well I can write really but I just don't know WHAT to write about. My head is filled with all these thoughts and emotions that keep swirling and churning. I've sat down with the intention of blogging something - anything! But nothing comes. I sit here for awhile, trying to write. Then I delete it all and turn to more mindless matters like watching TV and going "duh".

So I was in a bit of a block. Then it happened. One of my children came to me and said something completely wonderful. This is kind of how that conversation went. I was changing and ...

Aaron: Mom
Me: That's me
Aaron: I used to drink milk from there (pointing to my breasts)
Me: That's right you did
Aaron: I don't anymore
Me: Well that's because you're a big boy now
Aaron: Big boys drink milk from the fridge now
Me: Uh huh
Aaron: Too bad
Me: Why too bad?
Aaron: It just is ... can I have french toast for breakfast?

So, ladies and gentlemen, my blog post ...

To make the perfect french toast (according to Aaron and Adam) you need the following:

Brown Sugar
Icing sugar

You take three eggs and let your children crack them into a bowl. After you take out the pieces of egg shells, you add a bit of milk. You don't measure - you just pour. Then you throw in some brown sugar. Then you pretend not to see your children putting more brown sugar in. Just a dash of cinnamon. Then you wisk it all together until it's an even mess of brown.

You place a skillet on the stove and melt some butter in it over medium heat.

Take a slice of bread and stick that sucker right into the bowl of brown mess making sure that both sides are covered completely.

At this point, you'll have to tell the children to step away from the stove because it's hot.

Take the soaked bread slice and place it in the skillet. Brown one side and then the other.

Repeat until you have enough to feed the children.

Here's the important part:
Sprinkle just a little bit of icing sugar on the french toast. Then you cut the toast into fingers (six pieces). Put syrup into a small dipping bowl and put in the middle of a plate. Arrange the fingers of toast around the syrup so it looks like a sun.


Don't forget to put wipes at the table for the inevitable sticky fingers (the real ones ... not the toast)

Monday, November 24

Text messaging

If you've sent me a text since Friday evening, I haven't gotten it. This would be because there was this nationwide outage thingy over the weekend. At least that's what the nice person in tech support said. It's cleared now, and yet my messaging is still not working. When I called into support, I had to use the blasted cell phone so there was only so much they could do at their end (no other phone around). But I've done a hard reset and powercycled. I've danced naked around it chanting. I've sacrificed a stuffed toy to the cell phones gods. Still no text messaging. I'm going to call back to support tonight because I'll be able to use the husband's phone.

Does anyone out there have any other ideas on what I can do on this end to get this messaging working again? I have a Samsung U410. If the text messaging is not working again by tonight, I'm canceling it. I'm not paying for something that doesn't work.

Friday, November 21

Song of the day

This was playing on the radio this morning and it's been stuck in my head all day


Have a great day all!!

Wednesday, November 19

Five things

Five things I learned from Aaron this week:

1) Juice tastes better than water because juice has flavour

2) He's happy with the name I gave him when he was born but the next time he's born he wants to be "Ash"

3) Having a fever means you get to lie down on the sofa

4) It's better to use nice words because bad words make you sound silly

5) Hugs are better than no hugs

Five things I learned from Adam this week:

1) Snow is cool

2) He's not a baby but he still wants hugs and kisses

3) Time outs are no fun so it's better to follow the rules and have fun

4) Cookies are yummy but too many hurt the belly

5) Running is fast but sometimes you hit the wall

Enjoy the flavour of the juice, use nice words so you don't sound silly, follow the rules so you don't get a timeout, savour the cookies but don't overdo it, walk so you don't hit those walls and hug, hug, hug.


Monday, November 17


I few years ago, I came across this website: Flylady. It took all of two minutes to fall in love.

For those of you that haven't clicked yet, it's a site dedicated to helping you clear out the clutter in your house and get it organized. The wonderful people do it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you or expect people to clean all day long.

But the one thing that hooked me more than anything was their control journal. Now I had already been using a binder where I keep lists, addresses, phone number, appointments, birthdays, etc. But theirs was laid out so well!

When I went back to work, my routine at home went bye bye. I found that I was always cleaning or moving stuff around. My bedroom became the dumping ground for clothes, toys or whatever I couldn't find a place for. It was quite embarassing!

Now, after a couple of weeks of being at home, my house is getting in order. Things are finding a home. My mind is clearer. Everything has a place. My fridge door is organized properly. Ok, yes my mild OCD is showing its face. :)

Anyway, check out the site. Well, if you want to that is :)


Thursday, November 13

Muwhahahahahahahaha LMAO

Wednesday, November 12

Morning Prayer

I call upon the strengths and wisdom which lies within, gifts of the Mother to her daughter, to lead me toward a greater understanding.

I know these powers to be existent, waiting patiently for my acceptance, for my readiness to free them from their stale social prisons.

I seek to see the beauty of the moment and to appreciate and accept myself as I was meant to be.

Guide my decisions to reflect the right action required for growth and learning. Give me patience to know when to be still and wait for the answers and where to look for them.

Help me not to forget how to play, to always return the gift of laughter, especially at myself and may my sense of humour always be greater than my sense of sorrow.

Keep within me a joy for nature as I strive not to harm the Earth and all her children. Open my mind to not judge or condemn and open my heart to change myself if needed.

May the things I learn today lead me forward in my quest for knowledge and understanding as well as peace within tomorrow.

Monday, November 10

I came, I saw, I sewed

Yeah! Take THAT you inanimate object! Showed you, eh?

Thursday, November 6

To Sew or Not To Sew

(not me nor my sewing machine)

Awhile ago, I got a sewing machine as a gift. It was a gift I had asked for, albeit a year ago. I love it. It looks very pretty in that special spot I picked out for it. Every day for the last two weeks, I've looked at that sewing machine. I've touched it and dusted it. I've read the instructions and looked at all the doodads and whatsits. I've yet to actually SEW with it though.

See, here's the dilemma: I've not used a sewing machine since I was a child. So this sewing machine looks VERY intimidating. It KNOWS that I am a novice. It taunts me. It laughs at me. It must be either destroyed or conquered.

I could (I guess) ask my mum to come over and show me how to use it. But that's a bit embarassing. I mean, really, it's just a sewing machine. Surely I can teach myself how to use it - right?


I really should be doing something

On another note, people who say one thing and do another are really starting to piss me off. So there! Whatcha gonna do 'bout it! Huh? HUH!

Wednesday, November 5

No - it's not about politics ...

... it's just me rambling :)

For years now I've used an "illusion of clean" technique. You know what I mean - you hide your ever piled high laundry in a huge basket, you tuck away toys here and there, etc. As long as the floors are swept, the dishes cleaned and the dusting done once in awhile, it "looks" clean. But for heaven's sake, don't look in that cupboard there. :)

Ever since I've stopped working, I've been able to tackle the fridge, behind the stove, cupbaords etc. The house is no longer under the "illusion of clean", it's ACTUALLY clean.

It's so weird. I know where stuff is. No, I don't mean that I know the general area where stuff is - I know exactly where it is. And my obsessive side is peeking back out. I've arranged books in order of size. Today I arranged all the DVDs in alphabetically order.

I've also had the opportunity to spend time with ME, which is not something I'm used to. How strange to just now get to know someone you've 'lived' with all your life. Strange but wonderful.

I've noticed that the boys are calmer now. We've got a good routine down now and they're loving it. There's time to play before school and time to unwind before bed.

I give huge kudos for those that can juggle working and being a parent. It's not easy. You sacrifice a lot in order to make sure that there's a roof over your heads and food on the table. I know that I can't do it. I tried. I didn't like who I became. I was this stressed out, paranoid, worried, manic person who lived on coffee and cigarettes. And that affected my children. They were tired, drained and anxious.

Every night when I tuck them into bed, I know I've made the right decision. And I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to do this.

Saturday, November 1

Silly Quiz of the Week

What's Your Inner Power Animal?

My Results:

Your inner animal spirit is a Snake

You're mysterious, and a bit secretive. You have a quick wit, and keen literate skills. Your unusual approach to life often makes you feel like you're on the outside looking in.

Wednesday, October 29

I'm ok ... You're ok

I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know -- but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me. However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.
-- Virginia Satir

Saturday, October 25

To the bank I go

Yesterday, I went to the bank in order to cash my HUGE cheque from Pogo. Well I also had a few other banking duties to take care of so it's not like I made a special trip or anything. :)

I walked up to the cashier and handed her two cheques to deposit (one being the Pogo one). She looked at them and realised that the Pogo one was from the United States. Hmmmm, ok. Then she informed me that there was a fee to cash the cheque. I nodded like I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about (I didn't). After all, I didn't want her to think I was a hick who didn't realise such a simple thing (I didn't). THEN she told me that the fee was $7.00! I laughed and told her that I would just frame the cheque and hang it on my wall instead of cashing it. She laughed with me and then started tapping on some keys on her magical keyboard and POOF! the fee disappeared.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I love my bank. It has that small town feel where they know your name. Heck, they know my grandmother's name. They work WITH you as much as they can. Quite rare and very lovely.

Anyway, I cashed the cheque (with the exchange rate it came up to $6.83) and spent it all on Hallowe'en stickers for the boys.

It was a good day. :)

Friday, October 24

Holy Amazing, Batman!

I've been playing on Pogo for many years. Hmmmmm, 2005 I believe *checks profile* - Yup, October 2005. It's a fun place to play a wide variety of games and, if you choose to, chat with people from all over. I use Pogo as my 'unwind' place where I can play games and chill out.

Well! I won $5.00 on there. Ok - it doesn't make me rich but I. WON. $5.00!!!!!!!

I got the cheque in the post and actually did a "wheeeeeeoooooooahhhhyeah!"

It's nice to win once in awhile.

So yeah

I quit my job. I didn't even go into work to do it. I just called the Human Resources woman and left a message on her phone. I have no idea about the policies surrounding that - if they'll just "term" me or what. Frankly I don't care. I've been under so much stress lately. I do feel bad about leaving my supervisor in a lurch. But you know, I'm replaceable. I'm sure that they have pulled someone by now to lead the team.

I did that math last night. Taking into account the cost of the afterschool program, the Saturday nanny, the taxis, lunches, coffees, dressy clothes etc, I was taking home one quarter of my pay. So three quarters of it was eaten up by these expenses.

Ok, so let's take a look at that one quarter that I was taking home. I was working for approximately $1.85 an hour. For $1.85 an hour, I got to stress out if the before bus babysitter didn't show (which was A LOT). I got to rush to work in order to make it on time. I got to deal with more and more pressures at work. I got to rush from work in order to pick the children up from the after school program before it closed. I got to rush to catch the bus with the children. We got home at around 6:30. Then we had to rush through dinner, homework, baths, reading time and then bed. By Saturday, the children were tired, stressed, and cranky. I was tired, stressed and cranky. Not to mention all the other stuff going on that I'm not going into detail about here. That's all stuff I left behind when I quit so it's not relevant anymore.

All that for $1.85 an hour.

After talking about it with my husband, we agreed that it was better for the children (and myself) for me to stay home. He offered to work one extra shift a week (making it a five day week instead of a four). One extra shift a month more than makes up the money I was bringing home. So working four extra shifts a month insures that we'll be ok.

So I quit my job. I'm lucky. Not a lot of people have that choice. Too many people are forced to work because they can't afford not to. These are the same people that also have to rush around and try to time manage and have the same stresses that I was dealing with. So I feel very lucky that I'm able to do this.

This morning, as I was getting the children ready for school, I realised that I had so much more TIME. I didn't have to get myself ready for work. We had a leisurely breakfast without me trying to urge them on. We got dressed, brushed our teeth, washed our faces all without me looking at the time thinking "I hope she shows up today so I can make it to work on time". It was a good morning. And the children were calmer, I was calmer. We even had time to play outside a bit before the bus came. I completely focused on the children and made sure that they went to school with a smile.

It's better for them that I'm home. It's better for me that I'm home.

This was a good decision.

I will miss the people though. But I'm confident that I will see them often enough outside of work. After all, they live in my facebook :)


Tuesday, October 21

There be snow in my yard!!

:) The kids are talking about making a snowman

Sunday, October 19

Just an opinion

I was having dinner with some friends of mine when the conversation turned to a TV show called "Moment of Truth". To quote Wikipedia, "Contestants answer a series of 21 increasingly personal and embarrassing questions to receive cash prizes." The grand prize is $500,000 USD.

Now, I have never watched the show. But listening to everyone talk about it, it piqued my curiousity. So I googled about it.

Some of the questions asked to contestants are:

"Do you believe you will eventually break up with (boyfriend's name)?"
"Do you always wash your hands after using the washroom?"
"Have you ever been ashamed of growing up (religion)?"
"Do you think your mother is jealous of your looks?"
"Of all your husbands, do you think your current one is the most handsome?"
"Did you marry your husband for his money?"
"Have you regretted getting back together with your boyfriend, (name)"
(she lied and said no)

Keep in mind that these questions are asked in front of an audience of strangers with their family sitting in the front row. Why would you want to sit in front of all those people and potentially hurt your loved ones? I know. I know. Humanity gets off on 'peeking' into peoples lives. That's why reality shows do so well. We are all voyeurs. I get that. But still. I could not imagine sitting there knowing that my answers could really hurt people. I have skeletons in my closet - as I'm sure we all do. I would really prefer that these skeletons remain in my closet. I'm not proud of a lot of things I've said or done in my life. I have however come to terms with them. But just because I've come to terms with them and have forgiven myself for them, why in the world would I want to drag them out for someone else to have to deal with? There's being truthful and then there's being TOO truthful. There are things that people just don't need to know. For me, some things are worth more than money.

My question to you all is, do you think you could do it? Do you think you could sit there and be asked highly personal (and potentially damaging) questions on the hope that you'll win $500,000?

Saturday, October 18

What do you see?

Thursday, October 16

Word of the day ...

Coincidence -
1. The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.
2. A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

But how often do these 'coincidences' have to happen before they cease to be coincidences and become something else?

Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.
Emma Bull

I'm interested in everyone's opinion on this. Do you believe in coincidences? Or that there is a greater power at work here? Coincidence or signs?

Have a great all!! *hugs*

Sunday, October 12

Tumbletown Tales

Kids' shows are the coolest!

Saturday, October 4

Routines, Watches and Shopping - oh my!

For the past few weeks now, I've been struggling with something. Every time I would pick Aaron and Adam up for after school daycare or the nanny's, Aaron would freak right out and be upset. I've been pulling my hair out trying to think of some way to stop this. Aaron's upset, I'm upset. It takes at least 30 minutes to calm him down. There must be SOMETHING that would calm him.

Then it hit me. Not literally mind you (although it probably would have worked out better).

In the morning during the week, I prepare him for school. We go through a whole routine of morning prepared-ness. Then he's happy to go to school. At school, he knows that he's going to the after school daycare after final recess. So he's happy to go there. But there's no way for him to gauge when I'm coming to pick him up. So it's a surprise every time. He's not prepared to go home.

Saturday mornings, I prepare him to go to the nanny's. Again, we go through a whole special Saturday routine of prepared-ness. Then he's happy to go there. I think you get where I'm going with this.

My little routine loving man needs to KNOW when things are going to happen and WHEN they are going to happen.

D'uh on me!

After we all got home today, I took Aaron shopping while Adam stayed home with Dad. We went to pick out watches. Not just any watch - his very own watch with an alarm. The idea is to set the alarm for 5pm (4:30pm on Saturdays). That way he'll KNOW that I'm on my way to pick him up and he'll be able to PREPARE for it. No more surprises. Well we'll give it a shot anyway and see if it works.

Of course because Aaron got a watch, Adam got a watch too. Sigh, they're growing up so fast. And of course, I needed a new winter jacket (and gloves) (and a hat) (and a scarf) (and oh! look at the nice PJs for the boys) (and who can pass up the cute Pokemon toys for the boys).

I'm really hoping that the watch idea works. I really don't like seeing him so upset everyday. I'm also going to send a note to the after school place and the nanny explaining what we're trying and asking them to 'play along'.

Funny part:

We were in the checkout line and Aaron decides to talk to the cashier.

Aaron: Hi
Cashier: Hi (smile)
Aaron: You're beautiful
Cashier: Um, thank you
Aaron: Do you close the store?
Cashier: No (smile)
Aaron: You're nice too
Then Aaron babbled on about random things while the cashier did her best to understand what he was saying.

My six year old baby was chatting up the cashier! In his defense, she WAS beautiful. And nice.

Wednesday, October 1

Wednesday Thought

Did you ever get the feeling that something is about to happen? That's how I feel now. Like I'm in a forest of trees and the clearing is just over there and something is waiting for me. What it is - I don't know. But I feel the electricity in the air. Something is going to happen. Good? Bad? Again I don't know.

Do I go to the clearing and see what it is? Or do I stay put and stick with what I know.

Life is so interesting.

Monday, September 29

Growing Older and Loving it

We were talking about ages today at work. The reason why we were talking about ages is because three of us are sharing a birthday tomorrow.

I heard all these women talking about how they were "25 and holding" and I thought about how happy I am to be the age I am. The thirties have been the best decade so far. My teens were turbulant to say the least. My twenties were confusing. Now, in my thirties, I'm finally more sure of myself - more confident. I feel more like a woman than I ever have before. After spending so many years trying to make everyone happy, I'm finally taking time to find out what I need to do to make ME happy. I am fully aware of my good qualities and my "could use some growth" qualities. And I accept all these qualities. I've found that I'm not beating myself over the small things anymore. I've found it easier to apologise when I am wrong and realise that it doesn't make me weak. Quite the opposite - it's because I'm stronger. I'm worrying less about what people think about me. I've learned so much about the world around me, and about myself. And there's a whole lifetime ahead of me to learn even more. I'm quite proud of myself for all I've accomplished and I look forward to all the opportunities that come my way.

I am 37 years old, and I've never felt more alive than I do right now.

Tuesday, September 23

Yay for options!!

So, as you might have guessed, I was pretty upset over my cell phone provider's "service". So today I decided to shop around and see what other options there were for me in town. It turns out quite a few.

My first stop was at one well known provider. They started putting in a credit check while I browsed phones and discussed rate plans. By the time I left the store, I had a phone and a rate plan picked out. We didn't sign any paperwork because while the credit check resulted in a deposit being needed, we didn't know how much yet. Since the person there said it could take up to five hours (why???), I was told that they would call me when it was complete.

So then I went to another place. I was in Future Shop and saw that they were indirect dealers for Koodo. What the hell, I thought, let's see what they say. A quick credit check resulted in NO deposit. Wicked cool! So I picked out a phone and browsed rate plans.

(yes, that really got my attention)

My old service provider never had unlimited texting. Yes, old service provider because in my mind, our relationship had come to a quick end :)

(you're kidding me, you mean I don't have to mortgage the house?)


That sealed the deal for me.

So I wanted to port my number over because I had memorised it and everything. The process went in to have it ported over. I signed the paperwork and left the store a much happier person than when I went in.

While in the van, I got a call from the first place I went to. They informed me that it would be a $500 deposit. I laughed and said "no thank you".

A few minutes later I got a call ... from KOODO ... they wanted to let me know that there was a problem with the porting process and that my old cell provider was not allowing my number to go over. Apparently there was already a port out request already made by another provider. That's when I realised that the first place had started the porting process (without my approval). By now, I just didn't want to deal with it all so I got a whole new number. The nice person changed the number, gave me the programming steps and wished me a good day. You could hear him SMILING on the phone.

SO, now because I didn't port out my number (and therefore cancelling my account with ex-service provider), I had to call them to cancel. After being on hold for like EVER, I finally got through to someone who told me that even though I'm the authorised contact on the account AND the only person who calls in to do anything AND that the contact number was my cell number AND provided all information on the account that I couldn't cancel the line because the billing name was not my name. So now I need to have my husband call in with me standing next to him so I can give him all the information he needs in order to cancel MY line.

In the meantime, my new phone was still not accepting calls. So after I finished with ex-service provider (it feels really good to say 'ex'), I called the technical support to Koodo. I was put through right away. I talked to Mark. Mark helped me without any problems. I was done with the phone call in five minutes.

Then I decided I needed to do a master clear on my Samsung Jack. Sigh, nothing in the user manual so another call to the ex. Again I was on hold for 15 minutes. I talked with person who informed me that he had NO idea what a Samsung Jack was and that he'd need to put me on hold to research it. Then he came back onto the phone to tell me that he's not equipped to handle the call and cold transferred me to another department. Again on hold - only 10 minutes this time - before I talked to another person who then fired through steps to clear it. He used high technical terms (thank goodness I work at a centre and can kind of understand). Anyway, phone is cleared of everything.

Phew, that's all done.

And my phone is red :) And it makes cute sounds when I dial :)

Monday, September 22

I should have been watching Heroes

So I was watching Heroes tonight. Well, I tried to. I was distracted by the fact the my ever so wonderful cellular company was dicking my account around AGAIN!

They have been messing with my account for months now. Payments that I make that don't post until way late, losing data and texting for no reason and then reinstated with no apology, super long wait times trying to get through to someone, etc etc etc.

This time it was a text message that I received stating that I needed to pay them $61.56 that was overdue. No problem, I thought. I went to my computer and made the payment. Then I called them to let them know that the payment was made. Cos that's what you do.

Well! I'm on the phone with some imbecile in billing who lectures me on the posting times for banks (which I'm well aware of) and that if they don't receive the payment by tomorrow, that services will be cut off. Now keep in mind that my monthly cell bill averages $300 (give or take). I told imbecile customer service person dude that we both know that the payment will not post by tomorrow and perhaps an extension would be a good idea. I know they can do it. I KNOW. Then he tells me that since I've had many extensions in the past few months, that it was 'not an option' for me. NOT AN OPTION?!?

A: I never had an extension placed on the account
B: I have had to call in repeatedly to complain about services

I patiently (as a mother who would talk to a child) explained that if there were extensions on the account, it was because of errors made by them that needed to be fixed. He replied that it was 'not an option' for me. He totally CSRed me.

So, after bantering back and forth, I finally just asked for the contract end date. He told me that I would need to talk to general customer service. I know he could have just pressed the little button and get the pop up box that tells the contracts. But no, he transfers me through.

And I wait ... and wait ... and wait ... by now, I'm pissed! Now, I'm determined to find out the contract end dates.

(Wait, the story's not done yet)

I finally get through to someone in general customer service. After providing all my information (again) I ask for the contract end dates. Keep in mind that I just upgraded my phone, so I know I'm still under contract. But my husband's contract should be darn close to being done (since he's not upgraded his phone since they invented the wheel).

Imagine my surprise when I'm told that BOTH contracts are over in 2011. TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN!!! So now I'm on the phone for an extra 30 minutes trying to work THAT out.

Me: How is it that my husband's contact is extended when he's not upgraded his phone since 2005
Persondude: Ok, let me look into it
(wait for five minutes)
Persondude: Ah ok, it looks like he's not upgraded since 2007 so his contact is over in July 2010.
Me: No. He upgraded in 2005. December 2005
Persondude: Ok, let me look into that for you
(wait for more minutes)
Persondude: Ok, it looks like he must have had an upgrade of some sort in 2007.
Me: Look, please look at his equipment on the account. You'll see that it's from 2005
Persondude: Ok, I'll just put you on hold while I look into that for you
(puts me on mute so I don't talk at all)
Persondude: Ok, I see what happened. The upgrade happened in 2005. December 2005.
Me: Ok?
Persondude: I can put the contract back for you if you want
Me: Yes, yes I want
Persondude (sighing): Ok, that'll take me a few minutes
(I'm SO sorry for putting you out)
Me: Ok that would be great
(hears typing and feels happy that he's at least memoing the account)
Persondude: Ok, the contract is back to it was. The contract end date is December 2008
Me: Excellent. Let's talk about early cancellation fees
Persondude: Can I ask why you're asking?
Me: Because I want to know

Then he tried to convince me that my service provider is the best and has the best customer service.

Anyway, turns out that to cancel it will cost approximately $400. Believe me, it'll be worth it.

Now, I'm going to have to get Heroes and watch it tomorrow.

*watches previous post to cheer up

Favourite Song of the Day


Makes me dance every time I hear this :)

Friday, September 19

What My Wonderful Sons Were Singing This Morning

I have THE COOLEST kids EVER!!! :)

Linky to the video

Saturday, September 13

Hmmm ...

(all together now - hum the theme to Jeopardy)

Sunday, September 7

You know ...

... you're going to Tim Hortons too often when your children play "coffee shop" and know your order.

Aaron: Can I take your order?
Adam: One extra large double double, one extra large regular, one blueberry muffin and one chocolate glazed donut please

In my defense, the muffin's for Aaron and the donut's for Adam.

I *may* be a bit of a coffee-holic :)

Tuesday, September 2

The First Day of School (Part one)

It was a beautiful morning. The kids got up with no problems. They ate breakfast without an argument. We were ready for the bus. My parents came to see Aaron off on the bus (and take pictures) and to take Adam for the day. The bus came. We were very happy to see that it was the very same bus driver from last year. It was a great morning.

Before starting work, I called the school and the after school daycare to make sure that everything was in place. No, Adam will not be going to the after school daycare until next week. Yes, Aaron is to go to the after school daycare. The daycare is to pick him up from school. etc etc etc.

So, I went about my day. I called my parents during my first break to see how Adam is (he was having a great time). I called the after school daycare at 3:45. That's when the perfect day went south. The school put my son on the bus to go home.

Something happens when you're told that your five year old son is on his way home to be picked up by no one. Your heart stops. Because he's in grade one, he would have been dropped off even if no one was there. FIVE YEARS OLD!!! I still hold his hand in parking lots. He's not allowed to play outside in his own backyard unless I'm outside with him. He's FIVE! Tell me that a child of five would have been able to handle getting home from the bus stop all by himself and be fine. I think NOT!

I bolted out from work. Outside, I called my parents to see if they would go down to my place to see if Aaron was there. In the meantime, I was on the phone with both the after school daycare and the school to see where the hell my child was.

The school called the bus driver and asked him to drive him back to the school. Just in time also because when they got ahold of him, he was just getting to his stop.

The after school daycare had sent someone to the school to wait for Aaron.

My Dad and Andy were rushing to my house to see if he was there. He wasn't (thank goodness) so they came to pick me up.

We got to Aaron's school at the same time as the bus. I was inside talking to the principal and the person from the daycare.

When I looked at Aaron, I felt my heart beating again.

IF my parents had gone to the cottage for the day with Adam as originally planned
IF I had called the daycare even two minutes later
IF the school and daycare hadn't had gotten ahold of the bus driver
IF IF IF ... it could have been a very different story

The good news: Aaron met the nice daycare lady, he was happy with the long bus ride, and I got to spend precious after school time with him.

AND we finally got it all straightened out.

Well, until next Tuesday when Adam starts school.

Saturday, August 30

I love my friends

To everyone that was there yesterday, to the one that followed me outside when I walked out, to the one that kept trying to hug me but I couldn't because she's too good at making me FEEL and I was trying very hard to keep my composure, to the one that reassured me with a look, to the ones that worked it out with me to fix things, to you all ..... thank you!

Thursday, August 28


Wednesday, August 27


So my in laws were travelling down south. They were visiting relatives. On Saturday night, my father in law started feeling a little ill but thought nothing of it. By Sunday morning, he was feeling quite poorly and decided to go to the hospital. It's a good thing he did! It turned out that he had a heart attack and that his blood pressure was so high that if he didn't go to the hospital when he did he would have died. Thank goodness he went to the hospital. The doctors confirmed the heart attack and determined that it wasn't his first one.

We found out about all this last night. I was on the phone with my mother in law forever getting all the information I could get.

It's a bit annoying because they are so far away and there's nothing we can do about it until they get back into town. We'll have to see what the doctors say, but we're hoping that they'll be back in town by week's end.

At least they're with family. Thank goodness for that.

Monday, August 25

I Believe

A friend of mine sent this email to me and I wanted to share it with you all:

I Believe...
That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue,
it doesn't mean they do love each other.

I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I Believe...
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I Believe...
That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I Believe...
That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I Believe...
That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I Believe...
That you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I Believe...
That we are responsible for what we do,no matter how we feel.

I Believe...
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I Believe...
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done
when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I Believe...
That money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I Believe...
That my best friend and I, can do anything, or nothing and have the best time.

I Believe...
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I Believe...
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I Believe...
That it isn't always enough, to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I Believe...
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I Believe...
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become.

I Believe...
That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life Forever.

I Believe...
Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I Believe...
That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.

I Believe...
That even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.

I Believe...
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I Believe...
That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.

I Believe...
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything.

It's 7:30am on a Monday morning

But why aren't you on your way to work, you ask? Well, my faithful readers, it's because my little ones are feeling poorly with colds and coughing and fever and crankies. So I'm home today.

It seems that they've been sick ALL summer long. I totally blame it on the single degree nights and the hanging out with children every day. As soon as the children start feeling better, they get sick again.

It kinda bites, especially for them. But we're getting a lot of "blow your nose" practice. They've just about accomplished the whole breathe out through your nose into the tissue thing. Is it odd that I'm proud of them for that?

I fell down the patio stairs yesterday. It's silly really how it happened. We were going outside for some fresh air. Like a million times before, I started walking down the stairs. Something I've been able to do since I was a wee tot. My ankle suddenly gave out and down I went. Aaron was adorable. He rubbed my back and offered words of comfort. Adam was really interested in the blood coming from my leg and wanted to put a Spongebob Squarepants bandage on it ("we can put lots on it, mum"). I didn't realise it, but my wrist took a hit also. But I'm practically all normal again (what IS normal anyway) and can move about goodly like.

SO anyway, today is a day of finishing up the laundry, LOADS of phone calls to various places to talk to people I don't know so they can help make my life run smoothly, and playing nursemaid to Aaron-the-suddenly-cuddlybear and Adam-the-suddenly-super-cranky-one.

Have a good day all!

Saturday, August 23

Saving My Face - KT Tunstall

Clicky the Linky here

Thursday, August 21

F.U.N. Song

Link for the video

Wednesday, August 20

New Kitten in da House!

And she shall be named:

Amelie Justine Sophia Mystal

(or Mystal as the kids like to call her.)

She's extremely camera shy at the moment so there are no pictures right now. Her and Iyatoni are making friends right now - which means that they are hissing at each other while completely in each other's space. I imagine that they will be fast friends before the night is done.

SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm in love already.

Sunday, August 17

Jealous of The Moon - Nickel Creek

Saturday, August 16

Cos I'm Bored and Don't Feel Like Cleaning or Anything

So a friend of mine showed me this link: Link to Funny Stuff

I clicked on said link, cos that's what you do. It's a bit like when someone gives you a carton of milk and says "does that taste funny to you?" and you actually taste it. It's just one of those things.

So I laughed at the blog post.

Then I started clicking around and came across these gems:

Anyone else wonder if this was for OUR Olivia?

Some poor child somewhere is in therapy now I'm sure ... "I had to eat Nemo at my party"

For the card players out there :)

LMAO .... ROFLMAO ... I love this one! Seriously, what would be the occasion for THIS cake? Ideas, anyone?

This one is wicked cool! For all the DJs.

I like this one too.

They ALL want a piece of the bride!

Friday, August 15

Ramblings and stuff

I have had many hobbies over the years. I've done needlepoint, cross stitching, knitting, written short stories, and bound books (by far a favourite of mine). Now there's a new hobby in town. I've become interested in making jewelry. Not bad for someone who didn't wear jewelry at all until recently. I find it relaxing. Someone mentioned that I enjoy things where I need to focus and are repetitive. I hadn't really realised it until then, but they were right. I feel a sense of peace doing things like this. I remember when I was book binding, I would get into this zone where everything else was blocked out. It was wonderful. I feel like that again doing the jewelry. I hope that with practise, I get better at it. This weekend I'm working on a pair of earrings, a hemp necklace and an anklet that I need to fix. I'm going to SO enjoy my evenings. :)

Here's a picture of a necklace I made (shameless showing off-age):

For those of you that know (and now you ALL know), I've been watching all the episodes of CSI out there - in order of course. I'm currently in season five. I figure that by the time I'm finished with the episodes, it'll be time for the new season of Heroes and House (yay!).

Oh yes! Now that the kids' appointment is one and done, I was able to focus a bit on my own appointment with the doctor. Ok, so it's LONG overdo. My appointment is booked for September 2 in the morning. There! It's scheduled! Happy now?

Ok, that's about all the meandering I'm going to do tonight. Have a great weekend all!!! See you on Tuesday, Nicky! :)


Thursday, August 14

Big Day at the Doctor's

So the boys had a doctor's appointment today. Duh! I only mentioned it like a MILLION TIMES in the weeks preceding it. I'd been looking forward to this appointment because it was with the specialist.

Aaron's appointment was at 10:30 and Adam's was at 11:00. The doctor gave them a check up and tested their gross and fine motor skills. He asked them questions, asked me questions and gathered his information. Then was the diagnosis.

Aaron does not have any form of autism. He does, however, need help with gross and fine motor skills and it would seem that he is a bit tongue tied. The specialist is referring Aaron to a nose/ear/throat specialist. Also, we're getting an occupational therapist to help with the motor skills and a cognitive behaviourial therapist for his anxiety.

Now with Adam, the specialist saw signs of ADHD but did not want to medicate him (thank goodness). He's also set up to see a nose/ear/throat specialist for his sinuses. And congnitive behaviourial therapist for further examination.

The doctor said more stuff but that's the gist of it.

All in all, I'm VERY relieved.

Sunday, August 10

My wonderful, talented friends

I am constantly blown away by the talent of my friends. Painters, song writers, story tellers, photographers, artists of all shapes ... it's just simply amazing.

Here's a small taste:

Cassie: Cassie singing kareoke

David: David singing an original song he wrote

Jim: Jim's paintings

Paul: Paul's radio play he wrote and directed

Spike: Spike's radio show

Tina: Tina's photos

Kiki with her wonderful photoshop abilities, Nicky with her amazing scrapbooking, Renelle with her mindblowing paintings, Stephanie with her ability to take a ball of yarn and knit her own creations, Steve with his get-everyone-to-pitch-in radio show ... the list is endless really. I keep editing this post to include more people. Seriously, there are SO many talented souls out there.

The most amazing and wonderful part is that not only are these people talented, but they put themselves out there. They aren't afraid to show the world. That takes courage.

I feel truly blessed and proud to know them.

How lucky am I!

Saturday, August 9

Coolest. Song. EVER!

Ok, maybe not the coolest but it's up there ... dammit! :)

If that don't make you wanna dance, there's something wrong :)

Small Announcement

I got a new phone recently. Of course, with new phones, you HAVE to play around and push all the buttons and see what does what. In my quest of figuring out everything about my phone, I accidently deleted all my contacts on MSN. So, if you want to be added back, you'll have to message me because I never did back up my contact list and I can't remember what email address everyone used for it.

Oh yes, and for those in my area, don't forget about Family Fun Day at the park on Sunday. I'll be there with the boys. It should be a real blast! :) I'm really looking forward to seeing you all there!


Tuesday, August 5

Turn that frown upside down

The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.
- David Icke

I don't understand people who complain about their job, while they're at their job. They spend eight hours a day bitching and moaning and wondering why they're not getting job satisfaction. Of course, they will tell you that they're looking for another job, but they're not. I know this because if they were THAT miserable where they were working, they'd find work quickly enough. That's because there are a lot of jobs available here. Of course, they're in the fast food industry - but hey, if you're THAT dissatisfied with your job, you'd go ANYWHERE else, right?

Now, when you're surrounded by such negativity all the time, it's easy to fall into that. It's easy to feel down and sad and angry. And once you're into that trap, it's really hard to get out of it. So what can you do to combat that?

I sing. I joke. I dance. I become sarcastic (in a totally cute and funny way :) ). I talk to people who are positive. And I try very hard NOT to be pissy. But sometimes it's hard. On my worst moments, when I'm about ready to fall into that silly trap, I remember the story about the sink. Then I laugh. No, I'll not share it ... don't even ask! But then I'm up and laughing and joking once again.

I truly love my job. It's exciting because you are constantly learning new things. You get to talk to all sorts of people every day. It's never dull or boring. Even when I was on the phones, there was always something new to learn. There has never been a day that I haven't learned something that made me go "huh imagine that!" I work with people I like very much.

I mean it's not all sunshine and roses, but you'll get that everywhere you go. EVERYWHERE! There's is no such thing as THE perfect job. Well that's not entirely true - it's all a state of mind eh?

Anyhoo, I'm off to clean up the kitchen before soaking in a hot tub and then falling into bed.

On a final note:
Nicky - you're my favourite Team Coach named Nicky
Julie - you're my favourite Team Coach named Julie

:) much love to everyone!

Saturday, August 2

Saturday Meanderings

It's 8:45 in the morning and I've got a cold. Not that having a cold has anything to do with what time it is or anything.

Last night when I went to bed, I was fine. This morning I have a scratchy throat and a cough. Personally I blame the cool nights and rainy days. Of course, it could be that my sleep patterns have been weird lately. Or maybe it's the way the stars twinkled last night ... lol. Who knows. Point is that I've got a scratchy throat and it's BUGGING me. Then again worse things could happen so I should just put on my big girl panties and deal eh?

So far today, I've made breakfast and did a load of laundry. My plan today is to organise the boys' room.

I LOVE organising. There's something really satisfying about placing things properly and in order. Over the years, I've had to calm down my obsession with organising. I mean, it's not fair to expect the children to place everything in the EXACT place everytime. It would make for a stressful household indeed.

Growing up, I would spend hours organising my bedroom - sometimes up until 2 - 3 am. I remember all my clothes being arranged by colour in my dresser. I remember my books on my bookshelf being in order of size. I remember having at least 2 dozen stuffed toys and arranging them on my bed just so before I could sleep.

LOL I also remember having to run down the hallway and jumping from the doorway onto my bed because I was afraid of what could be under my bed ... but that's a different story.

You know, Aaron has organisational tendencies also. He spends hours putting his cars on the sofa in order. Sometimes by colour. Sometimes by size.

Anyway, I have NO idea where this post is heading ... or what it was I was going to post about in the first place. So I wish everyone a good day and stuff. :)


Friday, August 1

It's gonna be a great day!

Saturday, July 26

The voices in my head

I was talking to a friend today about procrastination. I mentioned that I force myself to do everything. And it's true. It's a weird thing really. I truly dislike sitting around all day doing nothing. I need to do 'stuff'. But I also have to push myself to do that 'stuff'.

It all starts off with coffee in the morning. I spend the entire time I'm drinking coffee talking to myself. The conversation goes something like this:

Inside Voice 1: Ok, you know you have a lot to do today
Inside Voice 2: I know. I know. Shut up! and let me drink this coffee
Inside Voice 1: It's not a big deal really. You've got a list made out already. You only need to do one thing at a time
Inside Voice 2: Shut UP already! I'm getting there
Inside Voice 1: Just get up and so one little thing. Then I'll let you have more coffee
Inside Voice 2: You LIE! Shuddap shuddap shuddap
Inside Voice 1: Come on ... just one thing ... you can do it

So I get up and I do one thing. Then, since I'm up already, I do another. And another. And another. Until the list is done.

Then I feel good because the house is clean, the errands are done, the yard work is done, the whatever it is I need to do is done. It's a good feeling.

So, because of Inside Voice 1, my house is clean and I'm tired. But happy.

Good night all!

Good Morning!

I saw this joke and thought I'd share it for y'all. It's dedicated to those who complain about their job. You guys know who I mean :)

I'm SO printing this sucker out and handing it out ... muwhahahahahaha I'm evil.

Wednesday, July 23

It was a great day

Today was a great day! It was great on many levels and in so many little details that I can't seem to put them all down on cyber paper. It was one of those days where while there was no big thing that happened, every little thing made it great. I'm sitting here and trying to pinpoint just what it was that made this day happy and I can't. It was everything!

So I leave you with this joke:

And wish you all a great day/afternoon/night/whatever :)

*hugs* and stuff

Monday, July 21

Crap post but - hey - I'm tired :)

Today was a great day. It went by so quickly!

I didn't get to bed Sunday night until well after midnight ... so I guess it would be Monday morning then eh? Anyway, after getting around 3 - 4 hours sleep, I dragged myself into the shower and then got dressed. Made the boys' lunches for day camp. Woke them up. Got them ready. Then it was off to work.

After I got a coffee into me, I was awake and ready.

It was wonderful to be at to work. I mean, I enjoyed my holidays and all, but I really did miss the people I work with. In no time at all, it was smiles and jokes and hugs. AND I get to work with my Jillybean again which is right cool.

Then it was home and dinner and cuddles with the boys. They had stayed up late Sunday night also so they were quite tired and ready for bed at the normal time :)

Now, it's my turn to 'hit the hay'. I'm right exhausted now and am looking forward to stretching out and passing out.

I'll write more when I've gotten a decent night's sleep in me :)


Saturday, July 19


Ok, so I opened a browser window tonight and this pops up ...

Weird!!!! :S

Thursday, July 17

Sing it loud - Sing it proud

My five year old was singing "Peaaaanuuuutt, Peanut Butter" today. If you're not familiar with the song, clicky linky. He sang it over and over and over. And over and over and over again. He has a repetitive nature. Then he started playing air guitar while singing it.

He looked to me and said "mum, I sing it rock style". To which I replied "That's so cool" cos, you know, everything they do is cool and amazing :). Then he informed me that what makes a song a rock song is the yelling. Well that got the four year old's interest. The two of them spent the rest of the day trying to out-rock each other. Cute, adorable and wonderful - but now I'm in need of serious quiet time.

I need tylenol - lots and lots. And another song to be stuck in my head now please.

Wednesday, July 16

Nuffin and Everyfing

First off - it was NOT raining (woot) so we spent the majority of the day outside. We played construction in the sandbox. The boys pronounce it "destruction" :). We played "collect some rocks in the driveway and then make stuff with it". We had outside picnics for breakfast and lunch. We went exploring in the backyard.

I love spending time with my children. They are so wonderful and full of life. You can't help but be brought into their world when around them. They remind me that the simplest things are beautiful and all that matters is that you take the time to enjoy them.

We watched a beetle climb the netting of my gazebo today for 20 minutes. I never realised that we had beetles with yellow bellies. That was so cool.

We inspected under the porch and got filthy - but I never laughed so hard.

We timed how long it would take for the driveway to absorb a cup of water (27 seconds - by Aaron's counting, 15 seconds - by Adam's counting).

We talked about whatever popped into their minds. Aaron told jokes:

Aaron: knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Aaron: Banana
Me: Banana who?
Aaron: Banana apple
(cue the laughter)

And the coolest thing was that their older brother came for another visit.

Oh BOY were the kids excited to see him! When he dropped by last night, the boys were already asleep so they missed out on seeing him. So he came by again today for dinner. The boys were all over him! Both of them chattering away about EVERYTHING at the same time. It was so nice to watch. After the kids had their fill and went off to play some more, I got some time in with him. It's so amazing to be able to sit and talk to your child as an adult! And he's a wonderful big brother.

Yesterday, we decorated the coffee table with some of the stickers they had. The table is now covered in car stickers. It's my opinion that it's probably the coolest coffee table EVER! The little ones showed it off to their older brother. They dragged him everywhere to show him everything. They questioned the heck out of him about everything. He was so patient with them and answered ALL their questions. I couldn't help but laugh.

Aaron, being the insightful child that he is, told me today that "today was a perfect day because we did nuffin and everyfing" ... and he's right - it WAS a perfect day.

Monday, July 14

Major Breakthrough

The kids played today, and not in a hyper kind of way. They were focussed when it was play dough time. Adam actually ate his dinner without me having to stand over him and bribe with "only two bites" ... I only needed to sit beside him. And right now, they're relaxing - actual relaxing.

Adam didn't need any 'time outs' today. Aaron actually looked at you when he talked to you. Adam is starting to pay attention to what people say when they answer one of his questions. Aaron is less agressive.

The diet is working. I've cut out dairy and processed crap. They LOVE soy milk. I've cut down on foods with food colouring. They drink more water than juice.

I'm so pleased. And relieved.

I took loads of pictures today.

Aaron: Mom. Are you going to put the pictures on the facebook?

I just may :)

Good mornings

Yesterday, the children and I had more fun. They tried on my shoes, hats, etc.

We painted

We went to town and I got some books for the kids. We ran around outside. We took walks. It was fun.

Today is the day that I was supposed to be on a plane. I was supposed to be on my way to the UK for visitings. Instead, I'm staying home and cleaning the house today.

Saturday, July 12

A Lot Happened Today

I woke up this morning to find a drunk text from a dear friend (ya crazy nut!). It made me laugh - which is preferable to the way I've been waking up lately.

The boys got up early. Way too early to consider it a vacation day - but there you go. :) It was raining this morning so we couldn't do our outdoor breakfast. We compromised by having a picnic on the floor of the living room.

I had a chance to chat a bit with Pat, who's quickly becoming a dear friend of mine. He always makes me smile. Check out the picture (linky) - seriously how can Pat and Shawn NOT make you want to smile :)

By 9am, we'd had enough of indoor time (OMG!) so we went to Value Village. It's a discount store that I had yet to go into but had wanted to go for some time. WOW! I love it there. The kids made a bee line for the toys and I started some shopping. The boys needed pants and shirts. I think it's the first store I've gone into where there are more than two choices of shirts for boys. There was like VARIETY! Since I was there, I bought myself some new clothes too. And shoes. And a purse. Seriously, I'm turning more and more into a girl every day.

We ran into a very sweet lady I work with. The boys were all over her and she was so patient with them. She really is the sweetest person. Thank you!

Then it was home time. One of the toys we got from Value Village was a karaoke (spelling?) machine for kids. It plays four songs. It hooks up to the TV and you can record them singing. Guess what we'll be doing a lot of this week? :)

Another toy was a Spiderman that sings "Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". It's THE cutest!

Then I took a nice walk by myself. It was something I needed and wanted to do. It did a lot of good.

Later on in the day, I got this sudden urge for change. I just HAD to change my hairstyle. Usually, I calm this feeling by dying my hair a different colour. But today, I needed (yes NEEDED) to get it cut and styled. Loving the new 'do. I just wish pictures would turn out so I could show y'all.

Then it was general playing with the boys, watching them play, making dinner, and so on, until the boys bedtime.

I know that changing the outside of me isn't going to fix what's going on inside. I know that. But I made a promise that I was going to take care of myself. And that's just what I'm doing.

Now I'm going to drink a bottle of water and read.

Good night all! *hugs*

First day of vacation thoughts

Today's the first day of my vacation. I had booked two weeks off when I thought I was going to the UK. When that fell through, I was sure that I had cancelled both weeks off. BUT I didn't. I only cancelled the second week. Funny thing is that I didn't realise that I still had this week off until oh around Tuesday.

For a brief minute, I considered cancelling my time off and just working it. Then I decided "screw it". I've been working since I was 13 years old and NEVER took a holiday. Never took time off. The only time I took time off work was when I was pregnant and the doctor wanted me to stay home. So I was home - no pay - having a hard pregnancy (well three of them).

So this is my 'real' first vacation.

I plan on doing nothing except hanging out with my boys and relaxing. Squeeze in some sandbox time. Do some arts and crafts. Take them to the water park. Picnic breakfasts, lunch and dinners. You know, have FUN!

Then, after the vacationing, I go back to work on another team (same time slot though). Well, I'll be going back to my old team. The reasoning behind it is that the team is a specialised one - dealing with a new product. And I was trained in this also. SO, I'm going to support the team until their coach gets the training. After the coach gets the training, I go back to my team.

I was going through my saved voicemail messages last night. There were quite a few. I listened to each one ... and then I deleted them. MAN! It was hard to delete them really. I really am a pack rat. There was one that was especially difficult. It was one with singing on it. But yeah, voicemail all cleaned out now.

So, I'm going to take this week and spend it getting myself back on track. And who better to do it with then with my children. Children are the ultimate in keeping-it-real.

Thursday, July 10


So it went quite well, the doctor's appointment. We got there a bit early, which was fine for them because there were (gasp!) toys!

Long story short, we're going to keep an eye on Adam and see how school goes. We're going to meet with the doctor in November for an update on Adam's progress. As for Aaron, we're going to meet with a specialist in August for diagnosis. The doctor is leaning towards pervasive developmental disorder. Google it if you want.

As for everything else going on ... I'm rising, I'm dealing, and I'm just a little pissed. Things are going to have to change. I know I keep saying it, but it's getting harder and harder to deal. SO I'm going to start doing little things.

One thing that really pisses me off is when people blow smoke up my ass. I have two choices that I can see to deal with this. I could a) keep letting them do that while I nod and pretend that I don't know that they're doing this or b) just stop communicating with them. I could (obviously) talk to them about it, but that takes energy that I don't have. So screw it. And I'm sick of option a). So option b) it is.

Thing is, I'm trying my best here. I bend and weave and mold myself to make everyone else feel better. I try not to say how I feel or what I need. I try to be there for everyone else. But where the hell does that get me? Nowhere dammit! I'm still alone trying to figure all this shit out. I'm still being fed bullshit from people. And I'm to grin and bear it and ask for more? Well no more, people. I'm going to be myself and I'm going to start asking for my needs to be met and if that's not good enough then screw it!

Yeah, kinda pissed. I've been a fool for too long.


Today I didn't have to get up early. Today I didn't have to rush through breakfast with the boys, urge them to get dressed when they didn't want to, beg them to brush their teeth, convince them to put their shoes on all while making their lunch and getting myself ready for work.

Today I am off from work and we're all going to the doctor's office instead.

I've been looking forward to this appointment for awhile now. It's a VERY important one as far as I'm concerned. It's not that I want them to have these issues ... it's just that if they DO, we can DO THINGS to help instead of watching them flounder and suffer and become frustrated.

I really hope that it goes well today.

Sunday, July 6

Four Hundred Forty Nine Days

Saturday, July 5


First off, I think I need to retitle my blog. I mean I love "Raven's Cry" but I'm also loving that black rose. What do you all think?

OK! A friend of mine sent this email to me and I want to share the content of it with you. I laughed my butt off! Not literally of course - that would be sad.

  • My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't
  • I don't suffer from insanity ; I enjoy every minute of it.
  • Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them
  • Out of my mind. Back in five minutes
  • God must love stupid people; He made so many
  • Consciousness: That annoying time between naps
  • Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
  • The trouble with life is there's no background music
And my personal favourite:
  • I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on

Lazy Saturday

It's 12:30 in the afternoon and I'm sitting here having coffee and relaxing. I went out last and OMG I had a blast!! There were two bands playing, Westpoint and Blind Dog Circus. They were great! I love rock. Plus it's fun-ner (is that even a word?) when you know some of the band members. I was there with a bunch of friends from work. We drank a few, laughed a lot, chair danced, and cheered our voices off. Seriously, I can't talk today. Nicky, Jay, Pat, Shawn, Rob, JF, Darla ... I can't list everyone that was there. But we ORL had a great time. :)

I took a bunch of pictures, most of which didn't turn out. They were either blurry or too dark - even with the camera on night lighting. But I did get a clip of BDC performing my favourite song - Monster In Me.

Then Pat, Shawn and I went to eat at the handy, dandy, after drinking restaurant. Chinese food after a few drinks is the yummiest!

I got home around 2am and fell asleep on the sofa. At 4am, Adam woke up needing cuddles. At 6am, Aaron got up wanting to see the 'mighty machines' that the neighbour has (he's landscaping). And I got to go back to bed at 7:30ish.

Surprisingly, I'm not headachy or feeling poorly. I'm looking forward to a nice shower and then outside time with the boys. Adam's feeling better now - you can tell because he's constantly moving again. :)

Here are some pictures that kinda sorta turned out:

Blind Dog Circus "getting it on"

The lead singer of Westpoint getting a kiss from Gabby

Patrick and Shawn at the handy dandy after drinking restaurant. Love ya guys!

Aaron doing his rockstar!

Ok, the last picture isn't from the night out - but you have to admit he's darn adorable :)

Have a great Saturday all! *huggles*

Friday, July 4

Mental Health Day

I'm taking a mental health day today. I had made all sorts of plans for today but I think I'll just sit back and relax today. Read a book. Take a bubble bath. Go to a concert tonight. Sit in the sun. Basically just relax.

Adam's sick with a fever and cold today so he's going to relax with me. Right now, he's sleeping on the sofa and I'm doing various "nothings".

Aaron was worried that he wouldn't get to go to day camp. It's crazy hat day today and he was looking forward to wearing his. No worries! I told my worried child. Day camp awaits for you!! :)

Oh! My coffee beckons me. So does this comfy pillow sitting right here. :)

Have a great day all!


Day Camp

July 2, 2008

We were up and ready to go. Catching the 7am bus. It was the first day of day camp for the boys. And they were ready. I, on the other hand, had a bit of difficulty with it. See, it was ok when Aaron started school because I still had Adam at home. I could convince myself that I still had a baby.

Now don't get me wrong. I want them to grow up and be "all they can be". But with every milestone, there's a bitter sweet feeling. I'm so proud of every stage they get to. Watching them grow, not only physically but emotionally, spiritually and mentally. But I mourn the little baby that used to nurse at my breast. I did this with my eldest child too. He's 19 now and I still have the proud/melancholy feelings.

Anyway, we were taking the bus and they were chattering away. We rode on the back of the bus so we could feel all the bumps. Then it was a short walk to their day camp. That's where we found out that Aaron and Adam wouldn't be in the same "class". Adam's in "Discovery 1" and Aaron's in "Discovery 2".

OMG! What wonderful classrooms! In Aaron's class, there's a "living room" area with teeny tiny couches and chairs. There's a "kitchen" area with the cutest little fridge and stove. It was so lovely. I went "awwww" before I could stop myself. In Adam's class, there's a sandbox and playdough and loads of cars. The bestest part (according to Adam) was that there were cubby holes to put his shoes. The instructors are so nice and wonderful. I really feel that the boys will have a great time.

I spent my day at work feeling a slight twinge of sadness. I felt my boys were growing up and wouldn't need me anymore. At the same time, I felt such an excitement for this new adventure that they had started today.

When I went to pick them up, I first went to Aaron's room. Aaron looked up and yelled "MOM!" and ran into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him and realised just how silly I was. He's still my baby - no matter how old and grownup he is. Then it was to Adam's room to pick him up. He didn't want to go home, but boy did he look tired. I cuddled him for a few minutes and then we went home.

When we got home, I realised that I locked the door and forgot to bring a key with me to work. SO, I had to break into my own house - with the kids' advice of course.

After such a big day, it's no wonder that the boys went to sleep so quickly and easily.

Yup, day camp is the best idea I've had in a long time. I'm glad that they're going.


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