Saturday, July 26

The voices in my head

I was talking to a friend today about procrastination. I mentioned that I force myself to do everything. And it's true. It's a weird thing really. I truly dislike sitting around all day doing nothing. I need to do 'stuff'. But I also have to push myself to do that 'stuff'.

It all starts off with coffee in the morning. I spend the entire time I'm drinking coffee talking to myself. The conversation goes something like this:

Inside Voice 1: Ok, you know you have a lot to do today
Inside Voice 2: I know. I know. Shut up! and let me drink this coffee
Inside Voice 1: It's not a big deal really. You've got a list made out already. You only need to do one thing at a time
Inside Voice 2: Shut UP already! I'm getting there
Inside Voice 1: Just get up and so one little thing. Then I'll let you have more coffee
Inside Voice 2: You LIE! Shuddap shuddap shuddap
Inside Voice 1: Come on ... just one thing ... you can do it

So I get up and I do one thing. Then, since I'm up already, I do another. And another. And another. Until the list is done.

Then I feel good because the house is clean, the errands are done, the yard work is done, the whatever it is I need to do is done. It's a good feeling.

So, because of Inside Voice 1, my house is clean and I'm tired. But happy.

Good night all!



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