Friday, July 4

Coffee!! And My Day Yesterday

March 28, 2008

Anyone who knows me knows of my long standing love affair with coffee. It all started when I was 15 years old and working in coffee shops. The smell, the taste, the warmth of the cup in my hands. Coffee wakes me up in the morning and keeps me company all day. It comforts me in times of stress and celebrates the good times. Coffee is gooooooooooood. It's a rare moment when there's not a coffee cup in my hand. It's my constant. One of the few things I can count on.

Yesterday, Brandy called me to her desk. There, sitting on her desk, was a Starbucks bag. For me :). Inside the bag, was a mug and a bag of coffee. Expresso roast - to be exact. Keep in mind, I've never stepped foot in a Starbucks. I've never had their coffee. I made a pot of coffee the morning and it's quite possibly the best cup of coffee I've ever had! Thank you, Brandy :)

Yesterday, on the whole, was a good day. I went to the doctor's in the morning. 7:30 in the morning to be exact. It went well - as doctor's appointments go. Then I was at work early because I had a meeting at 11:30 am. I was in a group of six that got an award for good service. Then work. Anick was a darling and brought me a huge bag of sweaters and shirts for me. All my sweaters and shirts were hanging off of me and I needed new ones, so that was wonderful of her.

Now, the quote of the day:

"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."- Dali Lama

Have a great day :)



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