Friday, July 4

There! A post!

April 17, 2008

I don't know what to post about. I tried to write something last night, but was way too tired to think. I tried to think of something to write this morning, but felt too down and - again - tired so I left it. And here I am again, trying to think of something to write about.

I feel very overwhelmed these days. Hmmm, that's not quite the word. It's more of a "there's just so much to do, so much to take care of", that's it's crowding out everything else.

Tomorrow ,or today depending on when you read this - heck, it could even be last week for all I know, the boys have a doctor's appointment in the morning. We're going to have them assessed for autism and ADHD. Well, autism for the one child and ADHD for the other child. I'm a bit nervous about that because of many reasons. Firstly, it'll mean a huge change in the household. Routines in place. The delicate balance of what's right for each of them. The "laying down" of the rules to the other members of this house. The stressing of the importance of whatever needs to be done in order to raise these children in the best possible way.

Also, it involves a trip down to Ottawa for the testing. That means booking time off work and how we'll get there and where we'll stay etc. Don't get me wrong, I'll go to the ends of the earth for my children. But there's all that planning.

Sigh, I'm being all blah and I hate that. Changing subject now :)

I also have an internal interview for supervisor tomorrow (today/last week etc). I'm looking forward to it. It's a wonderful opportunity for me. I have NO idea how many others applied for the position (nor do I want to know really). I'm all for personal best so it doesn't really matter who else applies, right?


Today I rushed to get dressed for work and didn't do my usual "check for stains, rips, etc" that I do. I was two hours into my shift when I realised that I had a hole in my pants. Yes, a hole. Right in the behind. That's right - the butt. And no one said anything. So either a) people noticed and didn't say anything or b) no one looks at my behind. I'm not sure which one is more distressing really.

Anyway, I called home quickly and got another pair of pants brought to me. In the meantime, because I spend most of my day walking around, a co worker lent me a long sweater that covered my "assets".

Now that's two days in a row that I rush out to work without doing my checklist for stains and rips. Yesterday, I dashed out of the house not realising that I smelled of "cat" until I got to work. That also resulted in a call home to get another coat sent to me. Also, my supervisor (being the saint that she is) lent me her spray (that smelled of brazilian coffee to me). So that crisis was over real quick.

I mean really! It's just not my week for clothes I guess. Maybe I should just go into work naked and be done with that. Seriously, I have three changes of clothes ready for tomorrow.

Geez, I hope tomorrow goes well. Not only for the interview, but with the doctor's appointment too.

GOOD NEWS!! The house was half way decent when I got home. Dishes done, laundry half done. It didn't look like a war zone. Was nice!

Now for a bubble bath and bed.

Sweet dreams :)



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