Friday, July 4

Abbreviated Version of My Day

April 17, 2008

My day went rather well today. We went to the doctor's appointment in the morning and the doctor is going to refer us to a pediatrician. And then we'll take it from there. We expect it will take about three weeks to get in to see the pediatrician. So now, it's the waiting game.

I hate waiting. *breathe in - breathe out - grow some patience*

My interview went well (I think). They asked questions. I answered said questions. We talked. They asked if I had any questions. I didn't. They thanked me for coming to the interview. I thanked them for giving me an interview. That was about it.

I'll find out on Monday if I get the position. Well, if the scoring is close, there may be a second round of interviews.

We'll see what happens on Monday, right?

*breathe in - breathe out*

Today was an absolutely beautiful day, weather wise. It was warm and sunny and the snow is almost all gone already! Now to get rid of this silly cold I've caught :)

Oh, and to answer Bob - the moon I saw was very close to that until recently. Then it was covered over with clouds so I couldn't get a picture of it for you. I think it's going to rain tonight. :)

Good night all!



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