Friday, July 4

Happy Sunday!

June 8, 2008

What a wonderful weekend! I woke up early on Saturday morning feeling rested and relaxed. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. The kind of day that screams "get out there and enjoy, silly humans!". So that's what we did. I had the house cleanish by 9:30am and the boys and I went outside. I had laundry on the line, mowed the lawn and set up the kids' wading pool. We had a brunch picnic in the yard. We played and relaxed. We heard the geese squawking as they flew by.

We came back inside at lunchtime to get out of the noonday sun and watched some random cartoons. I napped (I LOVE my naps). Then we were back outside until bathtime - even having dinner outside.

While I was giving the kids their bath, I heard a "clang" outside. So, bathtime ended. I went outside to investigate and found that the wind had blown part of the gazebo's roof off. So I took down the rest of the roof so that the fabric wouldn't rip. The kids were very helpful with the suggestions as they watched me from the kitchen. :) The wind had really picked up. It felt as though a storm was coming, which got me excited - I love storms. But it never happened.

Anyway, then it was snack/relax/cuddle/tv time for a bit before bedtime. The kids must have been tuckered out because they went right to bed without the "I'm thirsty/hungry/not tired" routine. I know I was tuckered out because I was asleep by 9pm.

It was a beautiful day! And I'm so happy I was able to spend it with my children.

Today it looks like it's going to be another great day. It's already warm and it's only 7am. I think another day outside is in order.

I'm still working on getting in the routine of morning meditations. I wake up in the morning and have to remind myself to do them. And it's helping so much to do them. I feel more centered during the day, the crowds and noise seem to bother me less, the daily demands on me seem to be less overwhelming and I seem to accomplish more. I'm working through quite a lot of issues and it's been so amazing. I still struggle with a few things, but I'm sure that with time it will work out. As long as I keep on this path. And right now, the path is telling me to change my thought patterns.

The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character;
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings ...

As the shadow follows the body,
as we think, so we become.

- from the Dhammapada

Have a great Sunday everyone! *huggles*



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