Friday, July 4

Ramblings - no really, rambling

April 30, 2008

Whew! What a day! As you may know, I got that call in the morning from work telling me that I had training in the morning. After a quick call to my mum's, I got ready and off I went to work. Now, I could have chosen to work only eight hours - 10:30 - 7:00 (eight hours work and a half hour lunch) - but I didn't want to leave the team hanging just in case and stayed my entire regular shift. I don't know how great of an idea that was as I was dragging my feet and basically not doing too much, but there I stayed.
Truth be known, I was none too pleased about the short notice. I don't do well with surprises like this. However, after I had ingested a few coffees and had a chance to breathe it all worked out alright. My team is absolutely wonderful. In no time at all, I was laughing and joking and having my usual great time.

Tomorrow, I work the morning shift. I had agreed to switch shifts with another team coach who is participating in the Big Bike Rally . It's good because I'll get to be home in time to have dinner with the children. :)

I tried to send a quote today through Twitter via cell phone but it got cut off. I came across this quote during my training today and wanted to share it with other quote lovers. So here it is:

"Remember not only to say the right thing at the right time, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." Benjamin Franklin

I really must remember that Twitter is a MICRO blog :)

Did I mention that my cat is pregnant? Yeah :) Anapistol is pregnant and due anytime. I can't wait for kittens! Does that make me a grandmother?

Someone remind me to find out how to embed a video here? K, thanx :)

Huggles to those that are homesick, those that are at home feeling ill, those that just need one and to YOU!!!



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