Friday, July 4

A post about nothing

March 22, 2008

I was looking through poetry today trying to find the right one to post. The right poem that would express how I was feeling and what I was thinking. The only problem was, none and all 'spoke' to me. I'm a bundle of different feelings and thoughts right now. Mostly, though, I'm tired lol

So, I'll forget about poetry for awhile and jabber about my day then.

I woke up at 6am and got ready for work. I showered, got dressed, got my things together and called a taxi. On Saturdays, buses run on an hourly schedule and they don't start until 6:30am. So I would have either gotten to work super early or just in time. Neither option was acceptable for me. So, I got to work reasonably early and realised that I forgot my travel mug (d'oh!). Where I work, you cannot have any liquid on the floor that isn't in a spill proof mug (because of the computers and stuff). So, here I am thinking "there's NO way in H-E-double-hockey-sticks that I'm going through the entire day without coffee - thank you very much".

I logged into my computer and set up my systems ready to go while I thought about what I was going to do about this ever-so-important coffee situation. Finally, I decided that I was going to walk to Tim Horton's and just buy another mug (along with coffee of course). I locked my computer, put on my coat and set out.

On my way to Tim Horton's, a van stopped and there is Connie. She rolled down the window and asked me where I was going. I told her. She said that she had a mug in the van. I said "wicked! thanks!" and headed back to work (it was only a block away). She called out "I'll give you a ride" so I jumped in.

So my coffee issue was resolved. Wicked! All is good in the world.

I got back to work, made a cup of coffee and settled into work. I did work related stuff (at work no less). The day just dragged for me. Finally, it was 4:30pm and it was quitting time. After I logged off the computer, I took down all my stuff from my walls and gathered up all my files, papers etc. and brought them to my new desk all ready for my next shift on my new/old shift. I say 'new' shift because it's different than the one I've done this week, but I say 'old' because it's the same as the one I did the week before. That's not confusing, is it?

After work, I went Easter Bunny shopping and dinner out with the boys. I got them chocolates and little toys and baskets. It was fun! I love shopping for the boys. I even got my 18 year old some stuff.

Then it was a flurry of getting home, baths, cuddle time and bed.

Now it's 10pm and I'm SO ready to pass out.

It was a good, productive day. :)

Good night all! Huggles!



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