Friday, July 4

Bedtime snack conversation

May 15, 2008

Me: What would you like for snack before bed?
Aaron: Where do babies come from?
Me: From mommies
Aaron: They should come from Walmart
Me: Why?
Aaron: Because everything comes from Walmart
Adam: Or Canadian Tire
Aaron: Yeah, Canadian Tire
Adam: We should go to Canadian Tire
Me: To get a baby?
Adam: Babies don't come from Canadian Tire!
Aaron: No, they come from mommies - you JUST said so
Me: ohhhhhh that's right
Adam: It's ok mom, mistakes happen
Aaron: We still love you, mom
Me: I love you both too
Aaron: Can we have cookies for snack?
Adam: Yeah!! Lemon cookies!
Aaron: They came from Walmart, right?

No matter how tired I am, or how low I feel, spending time with the boys always cheers me up. How can I have a bad day with those two around :)



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