Thursday, July 17

Sing it loud - Sing it proud

My five year old was singing "Peaaaanuuuutt, Peanut Butter" today. If you're not familiar with the song, clicky linky. He sang it over and over and over. And over and over and over again. He has a repetitive nature. Then he started playing air guitar while singing it.

He looked to me and said "mum, I sing it rock style". To which I replied "That's so cool" cos, you know, everything they do is cool and amazing :). Then he informed me that what makes a song a rock song is the yelling. Well that got the four year old's interest. The two of them spent the rest of the day trying to out-rock each other. Cute, adorable and wonderful - but now I'm in need of serious quiet time.

I need tylenol - lots and lots. And another song to be stuck in my head now please.



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