Friday, July 4


April 27, 2008

Sunday morning started off in a slow and relaxing way. Considering I didn't get home until after 1am and I got up with the boys at 6am, I didn't do anything except sit around and drink coffee for the most part. My five year old is still ill with chicken pox and was relaxing on the sofa. My four year old was full of beans as usual. He was protecting Aaron from the chicken pox germs. It was quite cute really.

Around noon, they both looked pretty tired and in need of a nap. You can tell when my five year old is tired because the whinging increases and nothing comforts him. So we all napped for a couple of hours. NICE! I love naps.

After waking up from the nap, I got a sudden burst of energy and started cleaning the house. Then I started moving furniture around. We have two sofas and in the summertime, I like to put the older sofa in the kitchen because the living room gets VERY hot with the sun shining on the front window. In the winter, I put both sofas in the living room. Also, putting the sofa in the kitchen makes the living room less cluttered looking and allows for air flow. Well, it makes sense to me.

So I moved the sofa into the kitchen under the window. Then I saw what was UNDER the sofa when it was in the living room. Gasp! I found toys, socks, my long lost shoe (yay) and a few hair bands.

In order to place the sofa under the kitchen window, I had to move the pantry. Since the pantry was full, I had to empty it before I moved it. The kids helped. Aaron was nicely piling and placing the cans while Adam was having fun shaking the spice bottles. Of course, because the pantry was empty, I wiped the entire thing down before moving it. Then I moved it to its new home and we all put the foods back.

Then it was all the floors swept and mopped. THEN I could move the sofa. The kids wanted a ride on it while I was moving it so there I was moving the sofa, making truck noises. It was fun :)

Now the living room and kitchen are nice and clean. On my next day off, washing the curtains are high on my list of things to do. That and the walls.

Saturday night was loads of fun. We played pool and got this really drunk guy coming over wanting to play pool and SWEARING he knew us. Then it was the chinese restaurant where we sat with someone from work who had us in stitches the entire time. Then, to make it an even more fun evening, my cab home was driven by an ex-boyfriend who I hadn't seen for oh must have been at least 10 years! We caught up on things in the 15 minutes it took to take me home. Things I learned Saturday night: I need to practice pool A LOT! and that my "performance" at pool is largely dependent on the type of music playing. Rock and dance music gets the better performance from me.

I think that tonight I'll relax with my cross stitching and watch some Babylon 5. I'm almost done the first season. :)

I can't wait for work tomorrow! This is going to be a great week :)

A picture of my babykitten:



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