Friday, July 4

Second Round!

April 22, 2008

So!! Quite the day today. I found out that I'm made it to the second round of interviews for the promotion I want. The interview is today. I'm excited about it. Ok, I'm REALLY excited about it.

Now, I'm happy where I am right now. I work with an amazing team with an even more amazing supervisor. We have a great rhythm and the shifts are fun. If I don't get the promotion, yes I'd be disappointed, but I would be ok. I would still be happy.

But, if I get the promotion, it'll mean new responsibilities and new title. It'll mean a new team. It'll mean a salaried position. It'll mean learning new things. It'll mean a lot of things.

Either way, I'll be happy. And either way, I'll be growing as a person. And isn't that what this whole life thing is about - growing and being happy?

So why am I nervous then?



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