Friday, July 4

Conversation with my four year old

May 6, 2008

Adam: what's that? (pointing to my breast)
Me: it's a breast
Adam: what are they for?
Me: for milk for babies to drink
Adam: and when babies get older, they drink milk from a cup
Me: yup
Adam: we should get a baby
Me: I think we're done with getting babies
Adam: then why do you have them? you should get rid of them
Me: *speechless and laughing*
Adam: why are you laughing?
Me: because you are adorable
Adam: I wish for a baby?
Me: I wish for a million dollars
Adam: ok, how about a spiderman toy?
Me: how about a hug instead?
Adam: oh mom, I always get hugs

We have this conversation at least once a week. And each time, I laugh.
I love mornings with my son :)



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