Friday, July 4

Class of 2008

June 14, 2008

On Wednesday, Aaron graduates from kindergarten. I'm so excited about this. He's worked very hard these past couple of months learning new things and developing skills.

Every day he's woken up with the same question: "Am I going to school today?". If the answer is "yes" then he's so happy. If the answer is no and it's not a Saturday or Sunday, he's quite upset. It's so wonderful to see him so happy with school.

Aaron can now tell time, identify makes and models of cars, dress himself, count to a million trillion zillion, spell his name, read a few words and do a bit of math. He's come a long way in a few short months. I think I can say with only a bit of bias that he's a genius! :)

I'm so proud of him.



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