Saturday, July 12

A Lot Happened Today

I woke up this morning to find a drunk text from a dear friend (ya crazy nut!). It made me laugh - which is preferable to the way I've been waking up lately.

The boys got up early. Way too early to consider it a vacation day - but there you go. :) It was raining this morning so we couldn't do our outdoor breakfast. We compromised by having a picnic on the floor of the living room.

I had a chance to chat a bit with Pat, who's quickly becoming a dear friend of mine. He always makes me smile. Check out the picture (linky) - seriously how can Pat and Shawn NOT make you want to smile :)

By 9am, we'd had enough of indoor time (OMG!) so we went to Value Village. It's a discount store that I had yet to go into but had wanted to go for some time. WOW! I love it there. The kids made a bee line for the toys and I started some shopping. The boys needed pants and shirts. I think it's the first store I've gone into where there are more than two choices of shirts for boys. There was like VARIETY! Since I was there, I bought myself some new clothes too. And shoes. And a purse. Seriously, I'm turning more and more into a girl every day.

We ran into a very sweet lady I work with. The boys were all over her and she was so patient with them. She really is the sweetest person. Thank you!

Then it was home time. One of the toys we got from Value Village was a karaoke (spelling?) machine for kids. It plays four songs. It hooks up to the TV and you can record them singing. Guess what we'll be doing a lot of this week? :)

Another toy was a Spiderman that sings "Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". It's THE cutest!

Then I took a nice walk by myself. It was something I needed and wanted to do. It did a lot of good.

Later on in the day, I got this sudden urge for change. I just HAD to change my hairstyle. Usually, I calm this feeling by dying my hair a different colour. But today, I needed (yes NEEDED) to get it cut and styled. Loving the new 'do. I just wish pictures would turn out so I could show y'all.

Then it was general playing with the boys, watching them play, making dinner, and so on, until the boys bedtime.

I know that changing the outside of me isn't going to fix what's going on inside. I know that. But I made a promise that I was going to take care of myself. And that's just what I'm doing.

Now I'm going to drink a bottle of water and read.

Good night all! *hugs*


she said...

I also got the urge for new hair yesterday. I shall have to wait, though, as I'm not trusting anyone here with it :-) Let me see pics !!


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