Tuesday, August 5

Turn that frown upside down

The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.
- David Icke

I don't understand people who complain about their job, while they're at their job. They spend eight hours a day bitching and moaning and wondering why they're not getting job satisfaction. Of course, they will tell you that they're looking for another job, but they're not. I know this because if they were THAT miserable where they were working, they'd find work quickly enough. That's because there are a lot of jobs available here. Of course, they're in the fast food industry - but hey, if you're THAT dissatisfied with your job, you'd go ANYWHERE else, right?

Now, when you're surrounded by such negativity all the time, it's easy to fall into that. It's easy to feel down and sad and angry. And once you're into that trap, it's really hard to get out of it. So what can you do to combat that?

I sing. I joke. I dance. I become sarcastic (in a totally cute and funny way :) ). I talk to people who are positive. And I try very hard NOT to be pissy. But sometimes it's hard. On my worst moments, when I'm about ready to fall into that silly trap, I remember the story about the sink. Then I laugh. No, I'll not share it ... don't even ask! But then I'm up and laughing and joking once again.

I truly love my job. It's exciting because you are constantly learning new things. You get to talk to all sorts of people every day. It's never dull or boring. Even when I was on the phones, there was always something new to learn. There has never been a day that I haven't learned something that made me go "huh imagine that!" I work with people I like very much.

I mean it's not all sunshine and roses, but you'll get that everywhere you go. EVERYWHERE! There's is no such thing as THE perfect job. Well that's not entirely true - it's all a state of mind eh?

Anyhoo, I'm off to clean up the kitchen before soaking in a hot tub and then falling into bed.

On a final note:
Nicky - you're my favourite Team Coach named Nicky
Julie - you're my favourite Team Coach named Julie

:) much love to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Lmao!! You're too cute! I had to know that you'd come up with some witty weird comment like that! That's wicked!


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