Wednesday, August 27


So my in laws were travelling down south. They were visiting relatives. On Saturday night, my father in law started feeling a little ill but thought nothing of it. By Sunday morning, he was feeling quite poorly and decided to go to the hospital. It's a good thing he did! It turned out that he had a heart attack and that his blood pressure was so high that if he didn't go to the hospital when he did he would have died. Thank goodness he went to the hospital. The doctors confirmed the heart attack and determined that it wasn't his first one.

We found out about all this last night. I was on the phone with my mother in law forever getting all the information I could get.

It's a bit annoying because they are so far away and there's nothing we can do about it until they get back into town. We'll have to see what the doctors say, but we're hoping that they'll be back in town by week's end.

At least they're with family. Thank goodness for that.



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