Monday, August 25

It's 7:30am on a Monday morning

But why aren't you on your way to work, you ask? Well, my faithful readers, it's because my little ones are feeling poorly with colds and coughing and fever and crankies. So I'm home today.

It seems that they've been sick ALL summer long. I totally blame it on the single degree nights and the hanging out with children every day. As soon as the children start feeling better, they get sick again.

It kinda bites, especially for them. But we're getting a lot of "blow your nose" practice. They've just about accomplished the whole breathe out through your nose into the tissue thing. Is it odd that I'm proud of them for that?

I fell down the patio stairs yesterday. It's silly really how it happened. We were going outside for some fresh air. Like a million times before, I started walking down the stairs. Something I've been able to do since I was a wee tot. My ankle suddenly gave out and down I went. Aaron was adorable. He rubbed my back and offered words of comfort. Adam was really interested in the blood coming from my leg and wanted to put a Spongebob Squarepants bandage on it ("we can put lots on it, mum"). I didn't realise it, but my wrist took a hit also. But I'm practically all normal again (what IS normal anyway) and can move about goodly like.

SO anyway, today is a day of finishing up the laundry, LOADS of phone calls to various places to talk to people I don't know so they can help make my life run smoothly, and playing nursemaid to Aaron-the-suddenly-cuddlybear and Adam-the-suddenly-super-cranky-one.

Have a good day all!



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