Saturday, August 2

Saturday Meanderings

It's 8:45 in the morning and I've got a cold. Not that having a cold has anything to do with what time it is or anything.

Last night when I went to bed, I was fine. This morning I have a scratchy throat and a cough. Personally I blame the cool nights and rainy days. Of course, it could be that my sleep patterns have been weird lately. Or maybe it's the way the stars twinkled last night ... lol. Who knows. Point is that I've got a scratchy throat and it's BUGGING me. Then again worse things could happen so I should just put on my big girl panties and deal eh?

So far today, I've made breakfast and did a load of laundry. My plan today is to organise the boys' room.

I LOVE organising. There's something really satisfying about placing things properly and in order. Over the years, I've had to calm down my obsession with organising. I mean, it's not fair to expect the children to place everything in the EXACT place everytime. It would make for a stressful household indeed.

Growing up, I would spend hours organising my bedroom - sometimes up until 2 - 3 am. I remember all my clothes being arranged by colour in my dresser. I remember my books on my bookshelf being in order of size. I remember having at least 2 dozen stuffed toys and arranging them on my bed just so before I could sleep.

LOL I also remember having to run down the hallway and jumping from the doorway onto my bed because I was afraid of what could be under my bed ... but that's a different story.

You know, Aaron has organisational tendencies also. He spends hours putting his cars on the sofa in order. Sometimes by colour. Sometimes by size.

Anyway, I have NO idea where this post is heading ... or what it was I was going to post about in the first place. So I wish everyone a good day and stuff. :)




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