Sunday, August 10

My wonderful, talented friends

I am constantly blown away by the talent of my friends. Painters, song writers, story tellers, photographers, artists of all shapes ... it's just simply amazing.

Here's a small taste:

Cassie: Cassie singing kareoke

David: David singing an original song he wrote

Jim: Jim's paintings

Paul: Paul's radio play he wrote and directed

Spike: Spike's radio show

Tina: Tina's photos

Kiki with her wonderful photoshop abilities, Nicky with her amazing scrapbooking, Renelle with her mindblowing paintings, Stephanie with her ability to take a ball of yarn and knit her own creations, Steve with his get-everyone-to-pitch-in radio show ... the list is endless really. I keep editing this post to include more people. Seriously, there are SO many talented souls out there.

The most amazing and wonderful part is that not only are these people talented, but they put themselves out there. They aren't afraid to show the world. That takes courage.

I feel truly blessed and proud to know them.

How lucky am I!



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