Thursday, November 6

To Sew or Not To Sew

(not me nor my sewing machine)

Awhile ago, I got a sewing machine as a gift. It was a gift I had asked for, albeit a year ago. I love it. It looks very pretty in that special spot I picked out for it. Every day for the last two weeks, I've looked at that sewing machine. I've touched it and dusted it. I've read the instructions and looked at all the doodads and whatsits. I've yet to actually SEW with it though.

See, here's the dilemma: I've not used a sewing machine since I was a child. So this sewing machine looks VERY intimidating. It KNOWS that I am a novice. It taunts me. It laughs at me. It must be either destroyed or conquered.

I could (I guess) ask my mum to come over and show me how to use it. But that's a bit embarassing. I mean, really, it's just a sewing machine. Surely I can teach myself how to use it - right?




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