Tuesday, January 27

Smarter than the average bear

Over a year ago, Aaron did this thing where he would get up during the night and sneak about, getting into stuff. Thankfully we had the insight to put the dangerous stuff in locked cupboards so he wouldn't hurt himself. See, he was *really* quiet. I would get up at 3am and put him back to bed. Of course, by then I was wide awake so I would chat online or play games or what have you. But I'm getting off topic.

One night, I forgot to put away my nail polish after using it. BIG mistake. Aaron woke up in the wee hours and decided that painting would be fun. And since the paints had been put away, nail polish would have to do. So he painted (with my nail polish) the shelves above the toilet.

I woke up, put him back to bed and for some reason didn't clean off the polish until morning. Well wouldn't you know, the polish would NOT come off the shelves. No matter what cleaner I used, it stubbornly stayed put. It became a frustrating obsession of mine. "Out damn spot". Everytime I would go into the washroom, there it was - taunting me. Laughing at me.

Well, today while I was cleaning the washroom it hit me. The answer. So simple I couldn't believe it. What better to remove nail polish then - say it with me now - nail polish remover.

I started wiping this spot, this nail polish nightmare, with the remover and started laughing out loud to myself. And at myself.

I'm smarter today than I was yesterday. lol


Someone asked what brand my steam cleaner was. It's the Ultra Steam Shark Cleaner


Someone I know was having a big day today and I was waiting to hear how everything turned out. But I guess I didn't rate on the 'need to know' - so I don't know. At any rate, I hope it went well.


Look, I don't want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you're alive you've got to flap your arms and legs, you've got to jump around a lot, for life is the very opposite of death, and therefore you must at very least think noisy and colorfully, or you're not alive. ~Mel Brooks



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